PNP Capital Advisors LLC

Operating Companies - Strategy & Deal Parameters

Strategy Overview

Taking on the right partner is important when effectively growing a business. Generally a business will only have one chance to scale growth before the window of opportunity closes.  The right partner will help build the right team, offer crucial strategic advice and experience, and provide the financial resources to execute the strategy. PNP Capital Advisors invests in diverse businesses with strong management teams, leveraging our network of relationships and providing hands-on expertise to harness each company's growth potential. PNP Capital Advisors focuses on the following factors in determining whether a potential acquisition company is a good fit for PNP Capital Advisors' portfolio:

  • Small-Market Focus
  • Company Size: Minimum annual revenues of $5 million and EBITDA of $500 thousand
  • Equity Investment Size: $2 million to $10 million in equity per transaction
  • Investment Types: Majority or minority positions with control rights

PNP Capital Advisors collaborates closely with company management to accelerate the growth of the business. We look to drive multiple expansion and EBITDA growth while reducing debt over the investment horizon. We support strong founders and existing management teams or can enhance or introduce key employees as needed by leveraging industry contacts. We provide expertise in operations, strategy, risk assessment, strategy, and governance.

We are looking for talented, hard working partners with a desire to work with a capital partner to help build companies of lasting value. Because PNP Capital Advisors is not dependent on institutional capital, we are able to invest in businesses we believe have the potential to grow.